Cast Required
God Rick
Devil Bee
Dave DC
Narrator Stief
Dave New friends any will do
Landlord Dave The Rave
Villain Firm DC SC of MG plus others
Dave ‘s Mates and Villain Firm comes into the pub and taunt Dave.
[Villain Firm gang member 1]:
Hey Dave who are your new friends. Are we not good enough for you ?
Hi come and join us
[Villain Firm gang member 1]:
You must be joking I wanta know if you have grassed me up (and moves forward to hit Dave)
No mate ! of course not. You know there is honour amongst thieves. That still stands.
God steps in.
Just a moment (as he stops the Villain Firm member doing damage)
Everyone Kicks Off.
Landlord steps in to call to the trouble and has to call then police.
Police arrive heavy handed at the Pub. Siren going in the back ground
Right lads stop the grievance or I’ll call the police and get you kicked out.
[Villains mates]:
Keep out of this you old goat
Police please they have kicked of in my pub
Police arrive with sirens going and enter the pub.
[Police 1]:
All against the wall !!
All gangs and everyone including the Devil and God, react against the police for interfering .
Eventually ALL CHARACTERS are dancing by the end of ‘POLICE AND THIEVES’. Everyone is enjoying the music and have mutual respect for on another. They sing and rock out and dance to Police And Thieves.