David Clarke to Caroline Dinenage MP :letter 1

3rd August 2013-08-27


From: David Clarke <nbpttc@yahoo.co.uk>
To: DINENAGE Caroline MP Gosport <caroline.dinenage.mp@parliament.uk>
Cc: Dolores Clarke <secretarydolores@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2013, 23:57
Subject: Asylum Seekers Punk Rock Opera


Dear Rt Hon Caroline

Asylum Seekers, a Gosport band, have created a punk Rock opera that is to be performed live at various venues. The opera tells the story as told in my autobiography called Converted on LSD, which has been written to warn young people of the dangers of drugs misuse and crime.

The draft edition of my book was recently requested and sent too over 30 prison chaplains. As a result over 400 copies of the book have been requested for prison inmates in  HMP Belmarsh, Manchester, Risely and Parkhurst.  With this in mind a special edition of the book has been produced for prison inmates. It is this true story in this  book that the punk rock opera  is all about.

Along side this serious consideration is being given for this opera  to be performed  in HMP Aylesbury's YP prison.

Ben Fishwick of The News is following the story and he is aware that you were asked by the band to be the celebrity person that they were to sing about.

We would like to personally share with you our reasons for action so that you may be able to give any informed comments should any media agencies ask you, and we ask you to be our special guest at  the first performance of the opera, the venue and time to be arranged in the near future.

We are free to come and see you any time when you are next in town


Here is a link telling about our opera: 



Yours Sincerely


David Clarke
17 Marks Road
PO14 2AD



David Clarke Caroline Dinenage MP : Letter 2

From: David Clarke <nbpttc@yahoo.co.uk>
To: DINENAGE Caroline MP Gosport <caroline.dinenage.mp@parliament.uk>
Cc: Dolores Clarke <secretarydolores@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Saturday, 10 August 2013, 15:05
Subject: Fw: Asylum Seekers Punk Rock Opera


Dear Rt Hon Caroline,


Further to my recent  email to you.

With the recent news relating to the problems associated with Winchester Prison we fell that our punk rock opera project,  which is a true story of a bad lad turned good , is ideally suited to be performed in Winchester prison.

We wonder if you could help or put us in touch with the appropriate persons so that the matter could be considered.

Please watch or advertisement:

Borstal Boy Punk Rock Opera Advert

Portsmouth News




David Clarke


Those persons associated with Winchester Prison and its welfare:

The new Governor of the Prison is Claudia Sturt.

The Winchester  MP is Steve Brine  and is a Member  of the powerful House of Commons Justice Select Committee

Nick Hardwick, Inspector or prisons

Michael Spurr,  cheif executive of national offender management service.


David Clarke