YOU CAN HELP MAKE OUR World Premier Debut performance of our PUNK ROCK OPERA BORSTAL BOY, at Kings Theatre, Southsea on 26th April a BOX OFFICE SELL OUT.


1 JUST BOY YOUR TICKET NOW (Click here to buy)

2 Pass this email or URL link on to your Facebook and media friends and also email it to all who would appreciate it.

3 Join our Facebook Group: Borstal Boy Punk Rock Opera

This is want we are doing:

1 Asylum Seekers Gig at The White Heart, Gosport, 29 th March 2014


2 Open Air Concert, Westbury Museum, Fareham West Street, 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm, 5th April 2014


3 Express FM Radio Borstal Boy Cast and update Interview cast in Monday 1.45 pm for Broadcast 9th April between 7. 00 pm and 8.00 pm


3 Rehearsals Stubbington Snooker Club 8th April 7.30 pm till late


3 Borstal Boy Pre View Stubbington Snooker Club, Friday 11th April , 2014 8.00 pm, till late


4 Press Call for the media and public, 12th April Kings Theatre, 11.00 am. Meet the cast, scooter convoy, get autographs and photographs.


5 Borstal Boy World Premier, Debut performance Kings Theatre 26th April 7.30 pm.


GET YOU TICKET NOW (Click to buy)